Emptying the Recycle Bin on an Empty Desktop
How do you empty the Recycle Bin when you don't have the icon on your Desktop?
Counting Lines in the Windows Command Line
This is a quick tip that I think everyone should know. If you want to count
lines such as the
Windows 10 Workflow Tip: Multiple Desktops and Tiling
Windows 10 has the concept of multiple desktops. This is an extremely useful
feature, but I suspect that most people
My New Favorite Feature in Github for Windows
Using git on the command line is a pretty slick experience. Besides being
obscenely powerful, there are a lot of
Is the Leap Motion Usable?
When the Leap Motion [http://www.leapmotion.com] debuted a lot of people were
surprised at how much effort it
Windows 8 Modern Terminal
The sandboxed limitations of Windows 8 Modern UI applications is fairly well
known. Unfortunately, this means that it is impossible
Securing the Internet: A Look at RetroShare
RetroShare Home Page [http://retroshare.sourceforge.net]
The Internet today is a dangerous place, not the least because of the
Dealing with Windows networking in SLED/OpenSUSE
I wasn't able to browse my Windows network when I first logged in with my SLED
device, after
Arctic Repository 1.2
I am very pleased to announce the immediate availability of the Arctic
Repository version 1.2. This version brings a