Happy New Year everyone
Hello everyone,
I know I promised that I would be back to blogging as usual in something of a
Arctic Fragged in Pathetic Showing
Yeah, that's right. While I was a top contender for the best spots right next to
a few
Update on SDN
This is just a notification for all of you (really an advertisement, since I
know few of you ever even
My Apologies...
I am duly sorry about not posting quite so much these past few days. I have been
busy with work,
Narnia Review
In case anyone is interested (I know they are not), and for the sake of
appropriate news, I thought I
New Program
Released four days overdue, here at last is my next little program. ROACH. :) Do
read about it at my portfolio
The Swetnam Language Initiative
That's right, that's what I am calling it. I received my copy of the language
Talk about a Busy Time!
Wow, life has been very busy of late. :) I think that has been good, because I
have managed to stay