Configuring your APL keyboard on Linux
My preferred APL keyboard setup on Linux is as follows:
setxkbmap -layout us,apl -variant ,dyalog -option grp:lswitch
Quick follow-up observation on Corsair Keyboard
Some of you will recall that I recently had a new fastest keyboard
[] in my
New Fastest Keyboard
For those who don't want to read my longer post about exploring a new keyboard.
Changing Tunes? Linear keys for typing?
Fast typists have preferred the tactile, sometimes clicky, keyboard for a long time, but I've been thinking that maybe there's a more optimal formula out there.
Making the Most of the TEK in Web Browsing
It just occurred to me today that there are a host of things that I "take for
Long Term Typing Durability of Topre vs. MX Switches
I now that two Topre switch keyboards and two MX switch keyboards.
1. 2×Happy Hacking Keyboard Professional 2
It's Official: TEK 227 is my fastest keyboard!
In my last post [] I discussed how I was
attempting to beat my previous record
Truly Ergonomic Responds
A little while ago I posted my thoughts
[] on the latest generation of Truly
Truly Ergonomic, Truly Fast
It is official. After spending some time with my new keyboard
[] I was finally able
Not Your Typical Keyboard
This is a keyboard review, but I want to take the long way round to getting to
it. Bear with