APL Hacking: Project Euler (#19)
I didn't really have a good idea of how to solve this one until I started
playing around
APL Hacking: Project Euler (#18)
You notice that these are not daily anymore. :)
For this one, I took advantage of the ability to rotate vectors
APL Hacking: Project Euler Daily (#17)
This one I did the old fashioned way at first, with a loop and a lot of cases
and branching.
APL Hacking: Project Euler Daily (#16)
For this problem, I could have reused my CARRY function from before, but it
seemed like it would only make
APL Hacking: Project Euler Daily (#15)
This was a problem to find all of the forward searching paths in a 20 by 20
grid. This is
APL Hacking: Project Euler Daily (#14)
This problem was interesting in all different ways. It asks for Collatz Sequence
counts. First, I tried to do the
APL Hacking: Project Euler Daily (#13)
So, this is actually my post for Friday, but since I was traveling, I was not
able to post anything
APL Hacking: Project Euler Daily (#12)
This was the first problem that I had to deal with that didn't work right or
quickly if
APL Hacking: Project Euler Daily (#11)
I really liked doing this one. I had no idea how to approach this idea at first.
I couldn'
APL Hacking: Project Euler Daily (#10)
This was a bit of a fun one, since I had trouble trying to get the result into a