Slackware DVD Boot Problems on Macbook
The other day a friend of mine wanted to see if I could install Slackware64 14.1
RetroShare 0.5.5c SlackBuild
I just submitted the RetroShare 0.5.5c SlackBuild [].
I recommend that all users of Slackware
Slackware 14.1: Why take a closer look?
Please support [] my work.
Slackware Linux [] remains among the top 20 most
RetroShare for Slackware
I am happy to report that SlackBuilds [] has accepted
my submission and you should shortly be
Gnome 3: Ch. 2
If you are not familiar with this series, seepart 1
One of my favorite features
Gnome 3: Slacker's View
I really like the Slackware Linux [] distribution; I
like that it gives powers users a lot
What I love about Ruby
Here is something that I find really entertaining about Ruby:
d/ruby-1.9.1_p430-x86_64-2.txz: Rebuilt.
[note, the
Opera improves life for package managers
The other day I was reading over the Opera Desktop Team Blog
[] and noticed
Motif and Slackware 13.1
Unfortunately, there is a bug in X Windows that ships with Slackware64 13.1
which can cause programs which expect
Reviewing the new Slackware64 13.1
So, after a brief sojourn in the land of Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop 11, I'm
back with Slackware64,