Plane Ride
I thought I would take this moment to talk about a neat little plane ride I had.
It was actually
My Apologies...
I am duly sorry about not posting quite so much these past few days. I have been
busy with work,
Something from my LJ
So,'s my regular "tag your it" kind of post.
> If you read this,
The Forthcoming Explanation
Well, apparently no one understood what I meant when I went on and on about my
horrid decent [http://my.
I actually cooked
Yes, as amazing as that might seem, I actually A) Cleaned a kitched, B) Cooked
breakfast in a clean kitched,
Jung Test
I guess this is pretty accurate, but not gets a large side of me, but
misses some stuff.
Myers-Briggs Test
Actually, now that I read some of the descriptions
[] (another
Short Posts
Has anyone felt recently, the way I have, that my posts are far too...small?
Yes, I feel like I
Aah...2d art is fun too!
Yes yes, it can be very fun. :-) Due to a recent upgrade in Lizzy's
What is it about Fantasy?
I have often wondered why I am so in love with the unreal. Why is it that I
constantly cahse