Un-directed programming
Various forms of "directed" programming have become very popular these days.
However, I find that many of these
APL Style: Patterns and Anti-patterns in APL
I gave the following talk at Dyalog '17
[https://www.dyalog.com/user-meetings/dyalog17.htm] this year. I think
Reading List vs. Tabs: A Better Workflow
I have long held that having many tabs open in your browser was a poor way to
work. A bunch
Windows 10 Workflow Tip: Multiple Desktops and Tiling
Windows 10 has the concept of multiple desktops. This is an extremely useful
feature, but I suspect that most people
RHEL 7.2 Desktop Win
RHEL 7.2 includes a new Gnome 3.14 and incorporates some improvements from Gnome
3.16. This makes me