Conferences and Tantrums
It's been a rough couple of weeks, but now I am in the midst of a rather
Like a baby tethered by that blasted unbreakable nylon harness
So, I guess we won't be making it to the Harvest party this year. :( As it turns
[SLI] Week 5 Text and Audio
Canis inter navi et terra nat. Post plaustro tripudiat. Puella capillum canis
Собака плывёт между лодке и земле. Од
[SLI] Week 4 Text and Audio
Cattus capillum puellae vescat. Canes in pueri tripudiant. Pisces navi.
Кошка ест волосы девоьки. Собакы прыгают на мальчике. Рыбы в
Plane Ride
I thought I would take this moment to talk about a neat little plane ride I had.
It was actually