A little bit of Black vs. Blue Fountain Pen philosophy
I've been doing some permanent ink tests of various types of inks, and without a
doubt, the black,
Productivity Systems: Bullet Journaling
As previously noted [https://www.sacrideo.us/analysis-of-productivity-methods/], I tend to
look for productivity systems that are total and holistic.
In praise of Iron Gall inks for Fountain Pens
I'm a fan of permanent, archival inks. I like the idea that my work will have a
Dyalog Tooling Resources List (LambdaConf Talk 2020)
Here is a list of tooling resources that I mentioned in my recent LambdaConf
2020 talk, with links to documentation
My Handwriting Experiment: Italic
If some of my handwritten blog entries seem to be written with a different pen
and a different style, it&
Productivity Systems: 7 Principles of Evaluation
Handwritten VersionProductivity is a hot topic
[https://lifehacker.com/five-best-productivity-methods-5890129]. Who knows how
much time is potentially lost trying out
Is APL Dead?
Is APL dead? Not anymore. Changes in modern hardware, business needs, development methods, and our understanding of programming makes APL in its modern state perhaps more relevant and viable than ever before.
Configuring your APL keyboard on Linux
My preferred APL keyboard setup on Linux is as follows:
setxkbmap -layout us,apl -variant ,dyalog -option grp:lswitch
Installing Dyalog APL on Nix
The following repository is a starting point for getting Dyalog APL on Nix OS.
Keep in mind that at the
The T-shirts are finally here!
It's taken me a long time to put this together, but I've finally put together a