The Judiciary
The virtually unquestioned assumption at the time of the legislation's passage was that a more-or-less final decision on the legislation would await a U.S. Supreme Court hearing on the package has been virtually without comment.
The Constitution Must Win in 2012, II.: The Myth of Judicial Supremacy
This is a good read on the Judiciary, but I also want to point out something else that I think people often overlook. Not only does the Constitution expressly limit the Judiciary, so also it limits the rest of the Federal Government. People seem to think that the government is whatever they want it to be. In some sense they are correct, but you have only two choices if you want to fundamentally alter the government; you do it legally by legally amending the United States Constitution, or you ignore the Constitution and implicitly support a government that defies the Law and the foundation that protects the liberty and prosperity of our country. Most people jump at the chance to support a criminal government, and I shudder to think of it.
The Constitution was never designed to govern a people; it was designed to govern a government, to restrict and limit the powers of that government so that the people were protected from it. One need look no further than the history of Hitler's rise to power to understand the need for such limits, but Americans today are embracing the creation of a demon in the raiments of an angel, feeding the demon on the smoke and ash of a burning, dying Constitution and in exchange this demon feeds them the life blood of their fellow man. Instead of revulsion and ire, Americans are lapping up the blood of their fellows as if it were always theirs, as if it were their birthright.
As America cheers the slaughter of their kin, so one day will their beloved demon expose the chains of their slavery and America will cry out in self-righteousness as this demon drags them to the altar of social justice and personal rights
, an altar they built themselves with all eagerness, to be sacrificed in turn to their fellows, all the while wondering in surprise and shock at how this could have happened.
I pray that Americans today will stand up, listen, and remember the cycle of history, and of power, and of slavery, and the blood and the suffering endured to lift a people from this anguish; that they will not abandon the principles and hope that have given America cause to rejoice. I pray, but I have little enough faith in the endurance or character of our generation to expect change for the better; history, if anything, teaches us that man does not learn from his mistakes.