Configuring your APL keyboard on Linux
My preferred APL keyboard setup on Linux is as follows:
setxkbmap -layout us,apl -variant ,dyalog -option grp:lswitch
Is Deja Dup the Best Backup Software for Linux?
I have been thoroughly impressed with Deja Dup
[] backup software. I support non-technical
RHEL 7.2 Desktop Win
RHEL 7.2 includes a new Gnome 3.14 and incorporates some improvements from Gnome
3.16. This makes me
Linux Manual Duplex with HP Printers
If any of you have an HP printer that can only do manual duplex on Windows,
you'll find
Slackware DVD Boot Problems on Macbook
The other day a friend of mine wanted to see if I could install Slackware64 14.1
Slackware 14.1: Why take a closer look?
Please support [] my work.
Slackware Linux [] remains among the top 20 most
Securing the Internet: A Look at RetroShare
RetroShare Home Page []
The Internet today is a dangerous place, not the least because of the
Stop the hate on Window 8
Stop the hate on Windows 8; or, more specifically, people should stop
criticizing the Windows 8 Modern UI. Instead, they
Kmail and GnuPG
There seems to be a bit of a problem with the way that Kmail and GnuPG interact
that is somewhat