Is Deja Dup the Best Backup Software for Linux?
I have been thoroughly impressed with Deja Dup
[] backup software. I support non-technical
RHEL 7.2 Desktop Win
RHEL 7.2 includes a new Gnome 3.14 and incorporates some improvements from Gnome
3.16. This makes me
A Favorite Gnome Feature
I unashamedly enjoy Gnome 3 []; some of its features don't
get enough attention. Case
Battling Keyboard Layouts in Gnome 3
I like Gnome 3, a lot. I think it's one of the most productive, usable, and
modern desktop
Gnome 3: Ch. 2
If you are not familiar with this series, seepart 1
One of my favorite features
Gnome 3: Slacker's View
I really like the Slackware Linux [] distribution; I
like that it gives powers users a lot