Larry Moss and some others have created an interesting little machine
for teaching certain courses. This little machine is an interesting one where each instructions is a series of 1's followed by a series of #'s. The 1's are an argument indicating either a register or some value, in either case the value is the number of 1's that is in the instruction. The number of #'s indicates the instruction:

#Add 1 to register
##Add # to register
###Goto instruction ahead
####Goto instruction behind
##### Pop character from word in register and jump ahead 1 if empty, two if 1, and three if #.

I figured that I would implement a simple interpreter for this machine in APL really quickly, and it was a very quick program. Here's the result:

     ∇ R←N EVAL P;PC;I;V                                                        
[1]    R←N ⋄ PC←1 ⋄ EM←'IMPROPER HALT' ⍝ Set Init State and Program Count
[2]    P←(⊃'1#'∨.=⊂P)/P                ⍝ Strip whitespace                
[3]    P←↑(('1'=P)∧1,2≠/P)⊂P           ⍝ Partition into instructions     
[4]    P←(+/'#'=P),[1.5]+/'1'=P        ⍝ Reformat instructions to integer
[5]   LP:→(PC=1+⊃⍴P)/0                 ⍝ Check for halt                  
[6]    EM⎕SIGNAL((PC<1)∨pc>1+⊃⍴P)/90   ⍝ Exception on bad halt           
[7]    (I V)←PC⌷P                      ⍝ I→Instruction  V→Register/Count 
[8]    →I⌷(ADD ADD GO GO CASE)         ⍝ Case on instruction             
[9]   ADD:R[V],←I⌷'1#' ⋄ PC+←1 ⋄ →LP   ⍝ Add elem, increment, go        
[10]  GO:PC+←V×(I-2)⌷1 ¯1 ⋄ →LP        ⍝ Step forward/backward, go      
[11]  CASE:PC+←('1#'⍳1↑⊃V⌷R)⌷2 3 1     ⍝ Step forward correct amount     
[12]   R[V]←⊂1↓⊃V⌷R ⋄ →LP              ⍝ Drop from register and go