APL Mappings

I recently took the APL mappings of APLX and mapped them using the AltGr key of my keyboard using Xmodmap. And so my unhealthy fascination with APL grows stronger.

keycode 108 = Mode_switch Mode_switch
keycode 133 = Meta_L
keycode 134 = Meta_R
keycode 119 = BackSpace

keysym 0x30 = 0 parenright U005E U2372
keysym 0x31 = 1 exclam U00A8 U2336
keysym 0x32 = 2 at U00AF U236B
keysym 0x33 = 3 numbersign U003C U2352
keysym 0x34 = 4 dollar U2264 U234B
keysym 0x35 = 5 percent U003D U233D
keysym 0x36 = 6 asciicircum U2265 U2349
keysym 0x37 = 7 ampersand U003E U2296
keysym 0x38 = 8 asterisk U2260 U235F
keysym 0x39 = 9 parenleft U2228 U2371

keysym 0x61 = a A U237A
keysym 0x62 = b B U22A5
keysym 0x63 = c C U2229
keysym 0x64 = d D U230A
keysym 0x65 = e E U220A U2377
keysym 0x66 = f F U005F
keysym 0x67 = g G U2207
keysym 0x68 = h H U2206 U2359
keysym 0x69 = i I U2373 U2378
keysym 0x6a = j J U2218
keysym 0x6b = k K U0027 U2337
keysym 0x6c = l L U2395
keysym 0x6d = m M U007C
keysym 0x6e = n N U22A4
keysym 0x6f = o O U25CB U2337
keysym 0x70 = p P U002A
keysym 0x71 = q Q U003F
keysym 0x72 = r R U2374
keysym 0x73 = s S U2308
keysym 0x74 = t T U007E U236C
keysym 0x75 = u U U2193 U2357
keysym 0x76 = v V U222A
keysym 0x77 = w W U2375 U2365
keysym 0x78 = x X U2283
keysym 0x79 = y Y U2191 U2350
keysym 0x7a = z Z U2282

keysym 0x2d = minus underscore U00D7 U0021
keysym 0x3d = equal plus U00F7 U2339
keysym 0x5b = bracketleft braceleft U2190 U2347
keysym 0x5d = bracketright braceright U2192 U2348
keysym 0x3b = semicolon colon U234E U2261
keysym apostrophe = apostrophe quotedbl U2355 U2262
keysym grave = grave asciitilde U22c4 U235E
keysym backslash = backslash bar U22A2 U22A3
keysym comma = comma less U235D U236A
keysym period = period greater U2340 U2364
keysym slash = slash question U233F